SCCHEA Cooperative Classes
Each year SCCHEA parents put together co-op classes for six weeks in the fall and again for six weeks in the spring. The classes are on Monday mornings from 9-noon. Each class is 50 minutes long and is arranged by grade level nursery, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, and 9-12th. There are three class periods each morning. The cost is $25 per family, per semester, and at least one adult from each family must teach and/or help for 2 periods each week. We have a teachers' lounge for adults during the period they aren't teaching. Most semesters there are two classes to choose from for each class period. Classes offered depend entirely on what parents are willing to teach. Students choose the classes they want on the registration and then continue to take those three classes during the entire 6 weeks. Classes are arranged by grade level so that you can chose the grade that best suits your child. Planning for the co-op is approximately two months before the co-op begins and registrations are due one month before. Some classes require an additional fee or additional supplies to be brought. Please be aware of this before signing up for the class. Sign-in runs from 8:30-8:55. Opening session begins at 9:00 with announcements, Pledge of Allegiance, hymns, and prayer. Classes start at 9:20. Below is the Spring 2014 schedule and complete co-op policies.

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